Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Never share a blog with someone funnier than you

Carol B. would be excellent. I was talking just the other day about her masterful performance in a spoof of Gone with the Wind. Talk about and outfit... Holy cow (watch long enough and you will see her walk down the stairs in THE DRESS). I think chicken tending outfits should be the subject of an entire and well-researched post. We will turf that to someone.

My newest idea is to to have guest posters who will "talk" about their experiences with chickens, good, bad and ugly - and speaking of ugly chicken events... yeee re: that last post.

It has been amazing how often the idea of chickens has come up. It seems like half the people I talk to, we end up talking about chickens. I don't think it is me.... I think it is karma. I think this is what I am supposed to be doing. .

We will meet again on Saturday at 10:30 at Java Java on the downtown mall. There we will discuss the first coop, a schedule, and resource people we can tap into . Bring your calendars and be ready to talk dates to build. Seein' you then.

1 comment:

starrhillgirl said...

Maybe SJ could be a guest blogger: