Monday, March 24, 2008

City Chickens

Here is an article about City Chickens from a reliable source with suggestions about making things work. I especially like how they suggest inviting city council to see your place. Maybe next year we can do a progressive tour with egg dishes at each site.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

OOO! I learned something

I am reading Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. And in the wee hours of the morning when I couldn't sleep, I picked it up and started reading. She was talking about setting up their new chickens in this southern Appalachain farmstead, and mentioned picking up chickens at the post office. She goes on to explain that chickens can be shipped anywhere they can get to within 2 days as they do not eat or drink during that time. They rely on leftover yoke that the body has absorbed. Interestin' huh.

I borrowed my copy of the book from Starr Hill Girl by way of lb, but my mom will have one to lend soon too. But that is the subject of a different post.....

BTW, if you ever wondered about the chicken/egg question, it is laid out here nicely. (Don't you just love all the possibilities for chicken puns...)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chicken Blog

For your entertainment and education.

Isn't it Intersting....

Ever notice that sometimes when you start down the trail of something, perhaps an idea that is just a tad on the idealistic and maybe even a little crazy, you find a whole host of other hoodlums are already ahead of you. WAY ahead of you. And you keep bumping into more and more people on that trail. Or people who know people who are on the trail. Or people who have walked that trail in the past and can tell you all about the rocks and rough patches as well as the remarkable vistas that you never imagined from your position there at the beginning - the place where someone has put a sign that says "Start Here - Welcome!"

I was reading the newsletter from my high school alma mater and what do you know. They have chickens there at the school. Wish the article was on line so that I could link to it. This chicken thing is PERVASIVE people. I thought I was on the cusp, but now that we have been talking, there are so many that are so far down the trail....I feel like a late comer, but I plan on running to catch up... After a little discussion of the bumps in the road and the vistas to come. Somehow I imagine the vistas include pancakes.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Never share a blog with someone funnier than you

Carol B. would be excellent. I was talking just the other day about her masterful performance in a spoof of Gone with the Wind. Talk about and outfit... Holy cow (watch long enough and you will see her walk down the stairs in THE DRESS). I think chicken tending outfits should be the subject of an entire and well-researched post. We will turf that to someone.

My newest idea is to to have guest posters who will "talk" about their experiences with chickens, good, bad and ugly - and speaking of ugly chicken events... yeee re: that last post.

It has been amazing how often the idea of chickens has come up. It seems like half the people I talk to, we end up talking about chickens. I don't think it is me.... I think it is karma. I think this is what I am supposed to be doing. .

We will meet again on Saturday at 10:30 at Java Java on the downtown mall. There we will discuss the first coop, a schedule, and resource people we can tap into . Bring your calendars and be ready to talk dates to build. Seein' you then.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chicken Non Sequitors

Hey Elsie, Cho-girl......Did I mention I'm a blogging virgin? That might explain why its taken me three weeks to post something, plus my congenital inability to remember more than 32% of my adventures from any previous day. Okay. Right. Links. I'm on it starting now. Great picture by the way. My God, is she tending the chickens in silk tafetta, or do my eyes deceive me? Who's got an apron? I'm sending a link to this site to my good friend Patty who has recently gathered a flock of her own. She's only lost one so far. Bad dog! They only saw a lot of disconnected white feathers at first, but in the course of a day noticed a lone claw sticking up out of the nicely tilled garden soil like an inexpertly trimmed bonsai tree. Good dog! She's not really into eating them apparently, just burying them. I wish we could get Carol Burnett to join up. Don't you think she'd be fun to talk chicken with?

Okay. Popped that cherry. Gotta go find some links........

Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh RIGHT! Assignments

So, Cho- you are in charge of wrangling up something that will look good on a tee shirt and collecting info on good styles, companies, etc. and check out the local library and look for resources. Also see if we have the option of local chick suppliers.

JFeather - You shall scour the internets and link away to excellent info on all things chick. And maybe ask that delightful artist we mentioned to see if she will let us use an image of her chicken portrait

Moi? I will sit on my wide duff and eat bon bons (locally grown bon bons, of course) and I will be coming up with something that looks like a chicken farmers annual calendar or some guidance for our activities.

Go forth and read.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

peep peep!

In C'Ville? A chick? Want chicks? Interested in the idea of wanting chicks?

We are (almost) here for you.

After a deeelightful first cafe meeting, Us Instigators were assigned our First Jobs (what were they again Elsie?).

Stay tuned for meeting postings, links and t shirt unveiling!

Peep peep!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Test, test...

Is this thing on?....